Financial and legal considerations before remarrying | ºìÌÒÊÓƵ


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Financial and legal tips before remarrying

The number of us getting married in later life is increasing. Whatever your reason for this, there are some key practical issues to consider when remarrying or forming a new civil partnership. 

How will my benefits be affected if I remarry?

If you get married or remarried, register a civil partnership or live with someone as a couple, any means-tested benefits you receive, such as Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support, may be affected. This is because your partner’s income is also included as part of the overall assessment. Make sure to notify the office that pays your benefits as soon as possible.

If your benefits are affected, the amount you receive may go up or down, you may no longer be entitled to receive the payment, or you may be newly entitled to benefits. Any changes will depend on your individual circumstances. For more information, speak to the office that pays your benefits. 

It's important to note that if you form a couple with a new partner and only one of you is over state pension age, you become a new 'mixed-age couple'. This means that your existing benefits may end and you may have to claim Universal Credit instead. 

Find out more about mixed age couple benefits

Are you entitled to extra money?

Do you know what benefits you're entitled to? Our online benefits calculator can help you quickly and easily find out what you could be claiming.

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How will my State Pension be affected if I remarry?

If the old State Pension system applies to you, you may be able to claim a pension based on the National Insurance contributions of your spouse or civil partner if you don't get a full State Pension. You can also claim on your former partner's National Insurance record (if you're divorced or your civil partnership has ended) if this gives you a higher rate of State Pension.

If the new State Pension system applies to you, you can't usually claim extra pension based on the National Insurance contributions of your spouse or civil partner, or ex-spouse or ex-civil partner – although there are some exceptions.

Find out more about the State Pension

How will my private pension be affected if I remarry?

If you’re a member of a workplace pension scheme and you decide to remarry or form a new civil partnership, you may want to change the 'nominated beneficiary' for your pension. This is the person who'll get your pension pot if you die before reaching your scheme's pension age. 

Can my ex claim my private pension if they remarry?

Any private or workplace pensions you and your ex-spouse or ex-civil partner have should've been included in your list of assets when terminating your relationship. 

This means that whether your ex can claim your private pension if they remarry depends on how you settled your finances when you got divorced (if you were married) or when you dissolved your partnership (if you were civil partners). It also depends on whether your ex removed you as a 'nominated beneficiary' from their scheme. 

Get in touch with your pension provider if you have any questions.

How will my maintenance be affected if I remarry?

If you're receiving any maintenance from your ex-partner (for yourself as opposed to any children), this may stop when you remarry. It can also stop if you start co-habiting with a new partner (even if you don't get married).

Any child maintenance (also called 'child support') won't be affected.

How is my will affected if I remarry?

If you remarry or enter a new civil partnership, this automatically revokes (cancels) any existing will you have, so you'll need to make a new will to reflect your new circumstances. 

Getting a divorce or dissolving a civil partnership doesn't automatically invalidate a will made during the marrige, but it does exclude your ex-spouse or ex-civil partner from benefitting if they're married.

Find out more about making and updating your will

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Last updated: May 28 2024

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