Carer's Assessment - Advice and help for Carers | ºìÌÒÊÓƵ


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Carer's assessment

Caring can be tough, and lots of people don’t like to ask for help. But some extra support could make a world of difference.

What help can I get from social services?

As well as assessing the needs of the person you care for, your local council's social services department should give you a carer’s assessment to see what help you might need in your caring role.

You can get a carer’s assessment whether the person you care for is having their needs assessed or not.

The kind of help and support you could get includes:

  • respite care to give you a break
  • information on local support groups
  • help with caring
  • equipment to help you in your caring role.

You may also be entitled to a 'personal budget', which is the amount of money the council has calculated will cover the support needs identified in your assessment. This can be taken as a 'direct payment' and could help you maintain your interests outside of your caring responsibilities. This direct payment could be a one-off payment, for example to fund an exercise class, or it could be an ongoing payment, for example to spend on something every week, like membership to a club.

Personal budgets and direct payments

Personal budgets and direct payments can give you and the person you care for more control over the care that you provide for them.

How do I arrange a carer’s assessment?

Contact your local council's social services department to request a carer’s assessment.

Find your local council

You just need your postcode to get started.

What should I prepare for my carer's assessment?

Before your assessment, it's worth looking at the following questions and thinking about whether being a carer is having a significant impact on these aspects of your life.

  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • Are you eating well?
  • Is your health being affected by caring?
  • Can you get out to do things by yourself?
  • Can you cope with other family commitments?
  • Is juggling work and caring difficult?
  • Are you able to pursue your work or educational goals?
  • Can you socialise and enjoy your hobbies in the way that you used to?

It's also a good idea to consider whether there are any other issues that may affect your ability to continue caring.

What happens during the assessment?

During the assessment, you’ll have a chance to talk about the care you provide and the impact it has on your life. The assessor will look at the support you get and whether other services could help you. They’ll also advise you on any benefits you’re entitled to and other sources of help.

Following the assessment, you’ll get a letter explaining the support you could get and who would provide it.

Phone icon We're here to help

We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local ºìÌÒÊÓƵs.

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Last updated: Jun 21 2024

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