Look after each other this winter | ºìÌÒÊÓƵ


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Look after each other

This winter is a great chance to come together and look out for each other. There are plenty of simple, practical things we can do to help each other this winter.

Top 6 things we can do to help someone else

  1. Encourage people to get the healthcare they need. It's important that people still contact their GP when they need to, but other services such as pharmacies and NHS 111 may also be able to advise and help with your health. 
  2. Encourage everyone to look after their health. As we get older, we need to take a bit more care of our health – even if we're fit as a fiddle. One of the easiest ways to protect ourselves is to get the free flu jab and coronavirus booster.
  3. Make time for relatives, friends and neighbours. Darker nights and miserable weather can make it harder for people to get out and about. And if you're stuck at home, you might end up feeling lonely or out of sorts. Calling for a chat, popping in for a cuppa or even sending a card in the post can really help let someone know you're thinking about them. Know someone who's lonely? We offer free weekly friendship calls for over 60s.
  4. Ask people if they have everything they need. When it’s cold and the weather takes a turn for the worse, some people might struggle to get the essentials they need. Popping out to run a few errands or helping with an online shop could be a big help to someone.
  5. Check their home is warm enough. We know that many older people may be worried about heating their homes this year, but it's important that they stay warm throughout the winter months for their health. It's a good idea to encourage older people to heat their homes to a steady and comfortable temperature throughout the day in the rooms that they use the most, such as the living room and bedroom. If there are rooms that they don't use, like a spare bedroom, they can turn off the radiators in these rooms and close the doors. If someone is saying their home is very cold or they're worried about heating their home, their local age UK may be able to help. You can also find out more about getting help with energy bills on our website.
  6. Help make sure everyone can get out and about safely. When it's icy or wet outside, it's easier to slip and fall. Helping to keep paths and driveways clear and salting steps and slopes could make a big difference. Green mould is particularly slippery, but power washing can get rid of it.

If you're concerned about someone's health or safety, call 111 for health advice, or in an emergency call 999.

Phone icon We're here to help

We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local ºìÌÒÊÓƵs.

The development of this information was supported by an educational grant from Seqirus.

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Last updated: Apr 08 2024

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